Articles and Links

The following articles and links are placed here for the benefit of the members of the IPPFA. If there are any questions about these articles, please contact the IPPFA by phone at (630) 784-0406.

Social Security Online Benefits Calculator2025
Protecting Older Consumers - Federal Trade Commission2024
The Value of Medicare Advantage Employer Group Waiver Plans in the Public Sector2024
Health Insurance Marketplace2024
Retirement Insecurity 20242024
SEC Proposes Overhaul of Custody Rule2023
State of Pensions Year End Update 20222023
Roster of Illinois Legislators2023
Full Year Trends2023
Municipal Year in Review2023
Capital Plan Analysis2023
Workers Mental Health Report2023
2022 Tax Handbook2023
Illinois 2023 Lame Duck Session Update2023
Benefit Finder Walkthrough Video2023
Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability - General Assembly Pension Impact Notes2023
Pension Toolkit2023
Red Flags of Fraud2023
Investing Quiz2023
Free Financial Planning Tools2021
Pension Toolkit - Resources2020
The Retirement Estimator gives you a benefit amount based on your actual Social Security earnings record. Please keep in mind that these are just estimates.2020
THE RIGHT ETF STARTS WITH THE RIGHT INDEX Deeper knowledge about how indexes work can drive better portfolio outcomes for wealth advisors 2020
Robeco Essentials - Continuous learning is an important part of any professional investor’s career, particularly as times change so rapidly. This convenient, online study course gives you instant access to two CPD hours.2020
New studies show simple way to improve local pension funds and warn of consolidation pitfalls2019
Taxes Distributed to Local Governments 2019
Harvey Reaches Pension Deal, But Problems Persist Across the State2018
Study: The Epidemiology of Cancer Among Police Officers2012
Study: Comparison of Public Safety Provider Injury Rates2009
Study: Is Suicide Higher Among Separated/Retired Police Officers? (An Epidemiological Investigation)2011
The Importance of Proper Coding for Form 1099-R Reportingn.a.
SEC Releases Staff Study Recommending a Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct Investment Advisors2011
SEC Charges Merrill Lynch with Misleading Pension Consulting Clients2009
The Effect of Police on Crime: New Evidence from U.S. Cities, 1960-20102012
Governor Quinn Signs Public Act 98-0599, Enacting Landmark Pension "Reform"2014
If Pension Fund is Not on Verge of Default or Imminent Bankruptcy, No Cause of Action for Underfunding, Court Says2014
Supreme Court Finds AG Cannon Challenge Pension Board Decision on Jon Burge2014
Taxation of Retirement Benefits2014
National Institute on Retirement Security: How do Public Pensions Invest?2013
U.S. Pension Investment Consultants: a Report for Fiduciaries, Internal Audit, and Risk Management Professionals2013
GASB's New Pension Standards: Setting the Record Straight2012
The GASB's New Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards2012
IDOI Acuarial Services Bulletin Update - September 26, 20122012
Moody's to Apply 5.5% Discount Rate to Governmental Plan: "Backdoor PEPTA?"2012
Social Security: Who's Counting on It?2012
"Pay-to-Play" Prohibitions for Brokers, Dealers, and Municipal Securities Dealers under MSRB Rules2012
Proposed Statement of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Plain-Language Supplement Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting2012
Republican Governors Public Policy Committee - Pension Reform Catalogue2012
Can the Actuarial Reduction for Social Security Early Retirement Still be Right?2012
The State of Springfield 97th General Assembly Legislative Scorecard 20112012
Former Presidents: Federal Pension and Retirement Benefits2012
Governor Quinn State of the State Final Transcript 20122012
Executive Office of the President Council of Economic Advisors: Supporting Retirement for American Families2012
ICGN Statement and Guidance on Political Lobbying and Donations2012
Several Important Changes to the Employee Plans Determination Letter Program that Will Take Effect in 20122011
Florida's Special Risk Population Dies Almost Twelve Years Earlier than the General Population2011
Transfer of Creditable Service from Article 3 Police Pension Fund to Article 3 Police Pension Fund 40 ILCS 5/3 - 1102011
How Much to Save for a Secure Retirement2011
The Secure Choice Pension: a Way Forward for Retirement Security in the Private Sector2011
A Report on the Appropriateness of the 90% Funding Target of Public Act 88-5932011
GASB Exposure Drafts - Proposed Changes to Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting2011
Governmental Accounting Standards Board Exposure Draft on New Rule on Public Pension Reporting2011
Chicago Fed Letter: Economy to Keep Cruising Along in 2011 and 20122011
Out of Work in America: Helping Improve the Retirement Outlook for the Unemployed (12th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey)2011
Competitiveness of State and Local Business Taxes on New Investment2011
NCTR Opposes Federal Take-Over of Public Pension Accounting2011
NCTR Letter Opposing HR5672011
Letter from the El Paso Firemen and Policemen's Pension Fund to the SEC Regarding proposed Rule on Municipal Advisor2011
Easy Solutions2011 Update: Looking for Information about Benefits?2011
Chicago Fed Letter: Economic Outlook Symposium (Summary of 2010 Results and Forecasts for 2011)2011
IRS Compliance Self-Assessment Tool Available2010
Say-on-Pay: SEC Issues Proposed Rules Regarding Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation and Golden Parachutes2010
Milliman Analysis: Volatile Year for Corporate Pensions Continues in September2010
GASB: Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers2010
Funeral Service Guidelines2010
All About HAS's2010
Public Act 096-1260 Military Service Buy Back2010
New Perspectives on Health and Healthcare Policyn.a.
Pension Obligation Bonds: Financial Crisis Exposed Risks2010
FBAR Exception for State and Local Government Pension Plans (RIN 1506-AB08)2010
401(k) Investment Policy Statement: Checklist and Sample2010
Summary of the Healthcare Reform on Employers by Icemiller, LLP2010
Cornerstone Research Review by Kevin LaCroix2010
Cornerstone Research Summary2010
K-12 403(b) Plans: Fiduciary Obligations, Fiduciary Responsibilities2010
The Pew Report - Overview2010
The Role Public Pensions on the Economy2010
Changes to the Heart Act2010
Strong Public Pensions for Today and Tomorrow2010
Pensions and Retirement Security: a Roadmap for Policy Makers2010
New Law Affects Required Minimum Distributions for 20092009
The Pension Factor Role of Defined Benefit Plansn.a.
Pension Coverage and Retirement Security2009
AFSCME - Enhancing Public Retiree Pension Plan Security2009
Should you Carry a Mortgage Into Retirement (Published by Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)n.a.
Illinois Ranks 30th in Tax Burden Nationallyn.a.
Major League, Middle Class Anxiety: is the U.S. Closer to Universal Healthcare? (Published on March 4, 2009 in Knowledge@Wharton)2009
MetLife U.S. Pension Risk Behavior Index (Study of Risk Management Attitudes and Aptitude Among Defined Benefit Pension Plan Sponsors, January 2009)2009
Single Payer/Medicare for All: an Economic Stimulus Plan for the Nation (Institute for Health and SocioEconomic Policy2009
Periscope: Public Plan DB/DC Choicesn.a.
Getting it Right Messagen.a.
Some Investor Perspectives on Financial Regulation Proposals (Council of Institutional Investors, September 2008)2008
A Report on the American Public's Views on Pensions and Retirement Security (January 14, 2009)2009
The Handbook of the Illinois Pension Case Law2008
Statement for the Record (August 30, 2006)2006
The Funding Status of Locally Administered Pension Plans (Center for State and Local Government Excellence)2008
Illinois Police Officers and Firefighters: How Good are their Pensions?2007
The Case for Defined Benefit Plans (IMRF)n.a.
Better Bang for the Buck: the Economic Efficiencies of Defined Benefit Pension Plans (National Institute on Retirement Security)2008
"Pension Tension" by Ron Snell (May 2008)2008
"Tax Qualification and PPA Issues Guide Book" by Terry Mumford (May 2008)2008