Dan Doonan is executive director of the National Institute on Retirement Security. With the Board of Directors,
Doonan leads the organization’s strategic planning, retirement research, and education initiatives. He has more
than 20 years of experience working on retirement issues from different vantage points including an analyst,
consultant, trainer, and retirement plan trustee. Previously, he was a senior pension specialist with the National
Education Association. Doonan began his career at the Department of Labor as a mathematical statistician,
and also spent seven years conducting actuarial analyses with Buck Consultants in the retirement practice. His
experience also includes positions as a research director and labor economist. Doonan holds a B.S. in mathematics
from Elizabethtown College and is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. He is a frequent speaker
on retirement issues, including testimony before legislative bodies, and he often is quoted in the news media.
Kelly Kenneally has provided communications counsel to the National Institute on Retirement Security since its
founding in February 2007. She implements communications programs that provide accurate data and information
on retirement policy issues and has authored the NIRS biennial public opinion research studies. Kenneally has more
than 25 years of public affairs experience with corporations, government, and non-profit organizations. Previously,
she served in the White House as associate director of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships.
She has held communications positions at Micron Electronics and MCI WorldCom, and she began her career at the
Maryland General Assembly. She holds a B.A. in government and politics from the University of Maryland
The authors also appreciate the work of Greenwald Research, a leading research firm with specialized expertise in the
financial services and retirement industries, for their valuable contributions to this project. The polling was overseen by
Doug Kincaid at Greenwald & Associates. Kincaid is managing director at Greenwald & Associates, specializing in retirement
and financial services. His work focuses on retirement savings and retirement income studies for many of the nation’s
leading financial services companies and trade associations. He holds a B.A. in Sociology from the University of North
Carolina and an M.A. in Sociology from Indiana University. The authors also appreciate efforts of Tyler Bond, Margaret
Rogers, and Michele Yanicak.