Tuesday, May 6, 2023
12:00pm Shotgun Start
Eagle Ridge Resort, North Course
$165 per golfer/ $640 per foursome
Includes: golf, cart, lunch and post round cocktail reception
All proceeds will go to the Heroes Family Fund. The IPPFA Heroes Family Fund was established to provide financial support to the families of Illinois police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.
Dedicated to honoring the memory of the brave public safety officers that died serving and protecting the residents of Illinois, the Heroes Family Fund has provided financial support to the families of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, and first responders that have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $2,000
Lunch Sponsor $1,000
Beverage Sponsor $500
Hole Sponsor $200
Golf Ball Sponsor – Supply a sleeve of golf balls to each player
For more information email: special-events@ippfa.org
To make a direct donation to the Heroes Family Fund click here – https://ippfaheroesfamilyfund.org/donations
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